Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just a Little Flower

I was walking one morning, enjoying some time with God in the country setting around my home. As I was walking and talking with the Lord, I stopped at the side of the road to pick a flower, putting it behind my ear for safe-keeping on my way home. Then I went on, forgetting about the little flower as I prayed in the fresh air and sunshine.

Then I heard a quiet noise behind me in the road, like something small had fallen to the ground. I felt behind my ear, and to my dismay, I felt no little flower! So I turned around and frantically looked at the gravel beneath me; but to no avail. I finally saw it a few feet away from me, and picking it up gently, I put it back in its place in my hair. I breathed a sigh of relief and moved on feeling secure because it was with me.

I began pondering the situation. Why did I care so much about just a little flower? It was just one among many of its kind growing along this road; I could easily have replaced it. Why bother going to all of that trouble to find that one? To this day, I honestly don’t understand why I wanted it so badly. Yet its incomprehensibility makes it all the more closely parallel the tender, loving care of our Savior toward us.

When we fall and are lost, Jesus seeks us high and low, far and near, until He finds us, lying alone on the ground. He gently lifts up our fragile form, holding us close to Himself. We are safe and sound in His keeping, and He feels secure to move on. As He goes on, He picks up more fallen, lost souls to carry home with Him.

We have nothing to worry about, because Jesus will always care for us – just as I was so careful with that little flower. He says in Matthew 6:28-34, "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

Let’s take God at His word. He says, "All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: the grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God will stand for ever." Isaiah 40: 6-7.

In His loving care,

Sister G.

P.S. This article is not for girls only! Let’s all take a lesson from one of God’s most beautiful and fragile creations!

In the Rain

A positive victory over a negative spirit

We hear so much these days being positive and negative, optimist and pessimist; and it’s generally accepted that positive is the way to go. Really, we need to accept things the way they come to us from the hand of our loving, all-wise Father in heaven, and with a humble, happy attitude. In fact, why would we not do so, when we know that "ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose"? Romans 8:28. God’s word says, "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It is God’s will that we be happy and thankful despite circumstances. Isn’t that wonderful? God doesn’t want us to be unhappy. And it is by His power and grace that we can be preserved from having a negative spirit.

The way we look at situations honestly does have a major effect on our happiness in general. We need to let God take full control of our hearts and lives, including our thoughts and attitude. When we let Him reign within, He fills us with peace no matter what comes our way. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 says, "Now the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always by all means." Even trials give us deeper peace as we learn to approach them having Jesus with us, in us, and through us.

Now I wish to tell you about an experience of mine that happened just a few weeks ago. Personal testimonies always seem to have more power and deeper meaning than talking without sharing a real-life, practical example.

I woke up one morning and noticed that my left foot was a little swollen near the toes. But I went about the day, hardly noticing it at all. However, I noticed later in the evening that my foot was pretty swollen in that area, and standing or walking on it was something I had to do with special care. My shoe felt tighter than before.

Over the next couple of days I struggled with a complaining, whining attitude, as my left foot had not healed yet and both of my feet had a slight skin problem. I had found myself telling my family all about my foot problems – which is fine, but considering the fact that I had already told them more than once and they well knew what was going on down there, it became apparent to me that my complaining was an issue that needed to be dealt with. Hence the struggle. I ended up on my knees multiple times a day over this issue.

A few days later brought me a powerful experience that closely corresponds with the following E.G.W. quote: "God’s children are always being tested in the furnace of affliction. If they endure the first trial, it is not necessary for them to pass through a similar ordeal the second time; but if they fail, the trial is brought to them again and again, each time being still more trying and severe. Thus opportunity after opportunity is placed before them of gaining the victory and proving themselves true to God. But if they continue to manifest rebellion, God is compelled at last to remove His Spirit and light from them." MS 69, 1912.

So I will tell you about my next ("still more trying and severe") test.

It was getting later and later, and I still had not done my outdoor chores, thinking it might be a better time that evening. I decided to do them after I took a shower. When I got out, it was late enough that I could not wait any longer to do my work. But it was growing cloudy and dark. These were definitely rain clouds coming in, and I did not want to do my work in the rain.

On top of this, my feet had still not healed up and I had a fresh little cut on my right ankle. And do you think I wanted to put on my slip-on shoes (the left of which felt too small for my foot) and after having just taken a shower, go out in the rain for fifteen minutes or so, giving water to my pets? I secretly hoped that somebody would offer to do it for me. And the other thought that went through my head was that maybe they didn’t need water since it was raining anyway. But I knew that they did not all have access to the rain water.

I was tempted to complain to my family about it, but was convicted to be positive. I struggled hard. I went to my room and knelt, asking for God’s help with my attitude. I then put my outdoor clothes on and headed toward the back door.

As I stepped out the door, I realized that it was really pouring much harder than I had thought. Satan was quick to tell me that this situation was worth being unhappy over. Yet I knew that if I went about my work murmuring, I would not be happy or at peace with Jesus. So I prayed while standing next to the house, sheltered by the wall from the rain. I told the Lord that I knew I would be happier if I went into the situation with Him; that I did not want to complain; that I wanted to be happy in all situations. And I told Him that I knew He could make me happy no matter what happened in my earthly life. I asked Jesus for His grace to do my work with a Christlike attitude. And I began working with a deep assurance that my prayers were answered.

I quickly made my way to the hose, laughing to myself, "I don’t know why I need the hose for anything when it’s raining so hard!"

Things went so efficiently as I watered my pets that night. I wasted no time going back and forth to do something somewhere where I had already been. I multitasked more than I had ever thought to do before. I was very quick, because "a voice" kept letting me know what would be the most efficient task to do next.

After just a little while into this, I was enjoying myself so much that I began to sing as I went about my work. Like I said earlier, even trials can give us deeper peace when we have Jesus with us. And I experienced that to the full in the rain that night; I felt so near to God that if I had been locked outside in this condition, it would not have mattered to me at all. My peace was deeper than a flood created by a thousand years of this hard rain could ever be – because my peace came from Jesus Christ.

Drops of rain trickled down my forehead as I bent over or leaned forward. I paused in my song of praise only to laugh at my drenched condition. I practically forgot about my foot and other problems; it did not hurt nearly as much as it had bothered me when I made a point to think about it.

I came in the house toward the end of the song and mixed my singing with laughter as I saw the expressions on the faces I passed by on my way up to my room. I came back down with a towel over my clothes and sat at the table for a very pleasant time of family worship.

You see, happiness does not in the slightest degree depend on circumstances; it is the way we learn and choose to deal with every situation of our lives. Just pause to think of it this way: God can order and provide the circumstances of our individual lives however He sees fit, and His deepest desire is for us to be happy. So when you put it together, you can only realize that all of the events of your life – whether they seem good or bad – were ordained of God for your very best interest and peace for life and eternity. Besides, it just does not fit for a Christian to be unhappy over something that is only earthly and temporary, not effecting one’s promise of eternity.

Are you unhappy? Why not consider changing your attitude? Just don’t make the same mistake I have made before. When cherished sin has separated me from Jesus, I have at times tried to tell myself that I was not at peace for false reasons, such as my attitude – thus excusing my real sin. But if you hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit convicting you that you, too, have an attitude problem, just yield yourself to Jesus and be happy!

Let’s all take a lesson from the murmuring Israelites who missed out on so many blessings because they refused to see God’s providence and leading, and simply trust in Him. God says to us, "Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come." 1 Corinthians 10:10-11.

God bless and keep you all in His infinite love and joy – come what may!

~Sister G.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

He is Able To Keep Us!

“But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.” 2 Thess. 3:3
“Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” Jude 1:21,24
_____As these two verses say, God is able to keep us from evil, from giving into the temptations that the devil will throw at us. God can only keep us if we ask Him to; we must be willing and we must be following what He has said in His holy word! We need to be surrendered to Christ, and walking and talking with Him all throughout the day!
_____He longs to keep us from doing evil, from falling to Satan’s lies and temptations! Why don’t we give Christ our whole heart today, right now, and invite Him to be our Guide, to be our Protector each minute of the day?! Tell Him, “Jesus, pilot me, be my Guard and Guide! Carry me through!” He will never fail you! Have faith in Him! “But seek ye first the kingdom of God... and all these things shall be added unto you”! Matthew 6:33.
_____We are on an upward journey; we can't afford to give in to Satan’s temptations and start going downward! We must resist the devil and he will flee from us!
_____Keep looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, as you continue on the upward journey to the glory land!
Posted by: Sister K.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Changing of Heart!

"Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:23,24.
"A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you. I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you an heart of flesh. And I will put My spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes and ye shall keep my judgments and do them." Ezekiel 36:26,27
_____I want to tell you a true story. Though sad at first, it turned out glad. To say the truth, I will be telling you a story of the changing of my own heart - the changing of my heart from not desiring God as I should, and desiring the evil things of this world, to then, hating the things of this world, and desiring and loving God!
_____It will be most hard for you to believe, but praise the Lord for not forsaking me!
_____Let me now begin.
_____For two whole weeks there was a mighty war going on in my heart. It was like I was standing on a cliff, at the very edge. I could choose to go off to death, (the things of this world) or to turn around and run to the safety of the Mighty Rock, Jesus Christ!
_____I realized I needed to stop playing Christian, that I needed to either be one in heart and soul or not be one at all. Satan was putting lies in my head, like: "If you surrender all to Christ you won't be able to do all these 'fun' things. You would be missing out on 'real life.'" But then the Lord would speak to my heart: "Child, there is true happiness and fun walking with Me!" I kept going back and forth. Do I choose to throw God and a Christian life out the door and live for the world, or throw the world out the door and live for God? That was a question that was warring.
_____I stopped having morning devotions(stopped eating spiritually); I hardly prayed. All that would fill my mind was me telling myself made up stories and thinking of movies I've seen. (I'm even now ashamed to write so.)
_____I finally didn't want anything to do with God and the Bible. (Most terrible thing.) I turned my back. I was shocked at myself when I got the desire to watch something I would have never dreamed of watching before. The war kept going on.
_____No one would have known, for I just put this pretty smile on my face and acted like everything was go lucky good. (Terrible, isn't it?) But I knew I was miserable. My heart was longing for something. I thought that in forsaking a Christian walk with God, I would maybe find it. But I then realized I was terribly wrong!
_____I could feel the Lord calling me and calling me to come to Him!! At times it was most strong! I just didn't know how to go about it! I knew, yes, surrender to Him; but I just didn't have the power, the will to do so. Th
e verse in Matthew 11:28-30 kept coming to mind: "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart. And ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light!"
_____There were times I would make a couple steps to safety, but then I would turn around and make those steps back to "death"(desire of this world).
When I finally decided to give up and stop playing Christian and throw it out the door, everything just seemed to go all terribly wrong!
_____I was washing the dishes yesterday afternoon, and I asked myself, "What is wrong with me, I'm so selfish and mean! I used to be kind and love everyone. What is going on, I'm so miserable! I thought letting go on religion would make me some how 'happy.'" Then I remembered a story I had read a couple weeks ago in a YD issue, about a girl who went through the same thing I did. But after she decided to give up being a Christian and all, and everything just seemed to go wrong, she then realized how much she needed Christ in her life, how she couldn't live without Him and be truly happy. That's what happened to me. I realized how I just was not able to live without Christ, how I need Him!! How much He truly was a big part of my every day life!! How so many times I would tell Him about something, and after doing so, how much greatly better I felt!! How much I actually talked to Him and told Him things, how much I just needed Him!!
_____I then ran away, I fled from the cliff like a lamb running away from a lion who wants to kill them, I ran to the great safety of the Mighty Rock, Jesus Christ!
_____It wasn't until then, did I have peace and great joy! It wasn't until I realized my wrong in thinking I didn't need Christ and I came back to Him, did I have the victory in the great war between choosing to live for Christ or the world.
_____Even now I smile as I think about it and look back, how God led me!
_____Also one thing that kept me from turning my back all the way from Christ was how I knew my family and friends would take it. I just couldn't break their hearts so! And most of all, Christ's!
_____Praise the Lord for never forsaking me!!!!!
_____I feel ashamed to be writing this and it all being true, but let's turn away from the fact about how terrible it was for me to want nothing to do with God for that short time and let's look at how He rescued me and picked me up from that terrible pit!! Praise Him!!
_____My joy is full, but I am not to be content, I am to grow closer to God each and everyday, spending time with Him!!
_____At this time I would like to give special thanks to two good dear friends of mine: Sister C. and Sister G. for all they have said to encourage me on the Upward Journey!! God has truly spoken greatly to me through them! Thank you girls for it all! Praise the Lord!! You both are SUCH a wonderful blessing!!
_____I want to close with a Bible verse and a poem by a fellow sojourner.

_____"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise to our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord." Psalm 40:1-3.

Oh My Lord, Help Me Now!

Oh my Lord, oh help me now,
Help me to get through this all,
Oh how my heart longs for Thee,
Oh come so very close to me.
___That I might feel Thy presence flow,
___So close to me that I shall know,
___That You have come to rescue me
___From all my sins to make me free.
To be the one
You decided me to be.
To live that all might see
That You have come to rescue me.
___And that You would gladly do the same for them,
___If they would only ask-
___And turn to You, a loving friend
___Then they shall be rescued at last;
From all their sins and be made free,
And some day soon go to Heaven bright and free,
And see our King that loves us so abundantly!
Oh thank You Lord for helping me!
___For coming to my rescue and my plea
___Your lovingkindness is all I need.
___For Lord, if You live in me,
___I will have it all, for that's what I needed.
By Sabrina, a fellow sojourner.
November 30th, 2008.

_____The Lord changed and is still changing my heart! He will do the same for you, though sinful you may be, just turn to Him, flee from that terrible cliff, (the desires and things of this world) and run to the safety of Jesus Christ!! (saving treasures in heaven.)
_____We are on an Upward Journey to a great and glorious land, let's continue on, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, and our hand in His, each step of the way!!
_____Even so, come Lord Jesus!!

Posted by: Sister K.